The Witching Hour
Welcome to The Witching Hour. My name is Lily, and I will be your hostess for the evening. This site has all sorts of writings, be it poems, fanfictions, or other tales. This is also a place for me to ramble on happily. This site *is* Pagan friendy, so if you do not like this, I suggest you continue your internet explorations elsewhere. Thank you for visiting, and please sign the guestbook!
~*~Yours Truly, Lily~*~
Your Directory for the Evening:
Poems 1
~*~This is the first page of poetry.~*~
Poems 2
~*~This is the second page of poetry.~*~
~*~This is a page of some interesting pictures.~*~
~*~Posted here are the various fanfics.~*~
Miscellaneous Stories
~*~Found here are original stories that are not fanfics.~*~
~*~Credits for pictures and such are here.~*~
Lily's Ramblings:
Harry Potter and Witchcraft
~*~This is my ramble on how I think Harry Potter has nothing to do with real witchcraft, or Wicca at the very least.~*~
The Way Britney Dresses
~*~I saw a special on MTV on Britney Spears once that inspired this.~*~
Coming Soon:
Lily's Links
Lily's Recomended Reading List
Happy 4th of July to all of you who celebrate it!
***Last Updated July 2, 2001***
~New poem added to "Poems 2"~
~New font~
~"Miscellaneous Stories" has been added on.~
~Three new fairy graphics have been displayed.~

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